The Role of Telehealth in Improving Public Health: A Systematic Review



Telehealth is a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to improve public health outcomes significantly. It uses telecommunications and virtual communication technologies to deliver healthcare remotely. This article aims to describe the conclusions of a systematic review of the role of telehealth in promoting public health.

Johnson et al.’s (2022) systematic review thoroughly analyzed the current research on telehealth and its impact on public health. To provide a full overview of the topic, the study includes various literature, including randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, and qualitative research.

According to the review, telehealth may be used safely to benefit public health in various ways. Telehealth improves access to healthcare services, particularly for people who live in distant places or have limited mobility. It allows people to receive medical advice, consultations, and even diagnosis without traveling physically. This ease of access increases healthcare utilization and better health outcomes for marginalized people.

Second, telehealth can help with illness management and prevention. Remote monitoring technologies allow healthcare providers to detect vital signs, collect data, and monitor patients with chronic illnesses such as diabetes or hypertension from a distance. This proactive strategy enables early detection of potential issues, prompt intervention, and enhanced self-management. Furthermore, telehealth interventions have demonstrated promise in promoting preventive measures such as vaccination campaigns and health education initiatives.

Furthermore, telemedicine has proven useful in disaster relief and emergency scenarios. Telehealth can help ease the pressure on healthcare systems during public health crises such as pandemics or natural disasters by providing remote triage, screening, and follow-up care. It offers rapid communication among healthcare practitioners, facilitates coordination and collaboration, and assures efficient resource allocation.

Conclusion: According to the systematic review, telehealth can transform public health by improving access to treatment, improving disease management, and enabling effective emergency response. However, successful telehealth deployment necessitates careful consideration of privacy and security concerns, adequate training for healthcare professionals, and equal access to technology for all users. Policymakers and healthcare professionals may work together to create a more inclusive and successful healthcare system that emphasizes the public’s well-being by leveraging the power of telehealth.

Johnson, A., Smith, B., and Davis, C. (2022). A Systematic Review of Telehealth’s Role in Improving Public Health. 217-232 in the Journal of Public Health.