Comparing Growth and Developmental Patterns of Toddlers Using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns



Gordon’s functional health patterns give a complete framework for analyzing and comprehending a person’s health and well-being. Using Gordon’s functional health patterns, this talk will examine and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two children of various ages. The components of Gordon’s functional health patterns will be defined and utilized to demonstrate their utility in measuring toddler health.

Comparison of Two Toddlers’ Growth and Developmental Patterns:

Gordon’s functional health patterns include 11 categories that include many facets of a person’s health. The following functional health patterns can be identified when comparing children of different ages:

1. Pattern of Health Perception-Health Management: Toddlers of varied ages may display varying levels of comprehension and participation in their health management. When compared to a younger toddler who relies more on caregivers for aid and instruction, an older toddler may demonstrate more independence in basic self-care activities and awareness of healthy habits, such as handwashing or brushing teeth.

2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: Both toddlers will have different nutritional needs and eating behaviors depending on their age and developmental stage. Older toddlers may have a broader range of dietary choices and be able to self-feed using utensils, but younger toddlers may continue to rely on finger foods and have a more restricted diet.

3. Elimination Pattern: Comparing the elimination patterns of the two kids will entail evaluating their toilet training progress. The larger toddler may have attained some toilet training independence, whereas the smaller toddler may still be in the early stages and require assistance and diaper use.

4. Activity-Exercise Pattern: As toddlers grow, they are more likely to engage in more complicated physical activities and display stronger motor abilities, such as running, climbing, and kicking a ball. On the other hand, the younger toddler may be exploring basic gross motor skills like crawling, standing, and taking first steps.

5. Sleep-Rest Pattern: The two toddlers’ sleep patterns may differ. The older child may have developed a more constant sleep schedule with fewer naps, but the younger toddler may still require many naps throughout the day and have a less stable sleep schedule.

6. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern: Cognitive and perceptual capacities vary with age. The older toddler may have more sophisticated language capabilities, problem-solving abilities, and a better grasp of their surroundings. The cognitive and perceptual skills of the younger toddler may be more basic, focusing on object permanence and early language development.

7. Pattern of Self-Perception-Self-Concept:
The two toddlers’ self-perception and self-concept may differ. The older child may exhibit greater autonomy, independence, and self-identity. The younger toddler’s self-concept will revolve around developing trust, discovering their strengths, and making attachments with caretakers.

8. Role-Relationship Pattern: The older toddler may interact with friends, siblings, and extended family members more frequently, developing early social relationships. The role-relationship pattern of the younger toddler is predominantly focused on connecting with immediate family members and primary caregivers.

9. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern: At this period of toddler development, sexuality and reproductive patterns are irrelevant.

10. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern: Both toddlers may be stressed and use different coping techniques. The older toddler may show signs of developing coping skills such as vocal expression, seeking comfort from caregivers, or engaging in self-soothing activities. Coping abilities in younger toddlers may rely more on nonverbal cues and seeking comfort from caregivers.

11. Value-Belief Pattern: Both toddlers’ values and beliefs are still in the early phases of creation. Family dynamics, cultural practices, and early social contacts all impact them.

Gordon’s functional health patterns are concluded.

Provide a complete framework for comparing and contrasting children’s growth and developmental patterns of various ages. We can get insights into many elements of their health by utilizing the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns, such as perception, diet, elimination, activity, sleep, cognition, self-concept, relationships, coping, and values.

Understanding these patterns enables healthcare providers to assess and monitor the development of toddlers, identify areas of concern or potential delays, and give necessary support and interventions. Using Gordon’s functional health patterns, healthcare workers can adopt a comprehensive approach to child care, encouraging their general health and well-being.

1. Edelman, C. L., Kudzma, E. C., and Mandle, C. L. (2017). Health Promotion Throughout Life (9th Edition). Elsevier.
M. Gordon (1987). Nursing Diagnosis: Process and Application. Mosby.


Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.

Word limit 500 words and 2 references

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